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What is an Operating System? Explain Hoistory and Types of OS

What is an Operating System?

The Operating System (OS) is an application that functions in the role of an intermediary between parts and its user. Each computer must be equipped with at the very least one operating system in order for other applications. Applications such as Browsers, MS Office, Notepad Games and so on. require an environment in order to run and complete their tasks.

The OS lets you communicate with the computer , without having to know it's own language. It is impossible for a user to utilize any mobile or desktop computer without OS.

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History Of OS

Operating systems were invented in the 1950s to handle tape storage

The General Motors Research Lab implemented the first OS in the 1950s in the beginning of their IBM 701

In the middle of the 1960s operating systems began to utilize disks

In the latter half of the 1960s, the initial release of Unix OS was developed

The very first OS developed by Microsoft was DOS. It was developed in 1981 when Microsoft purchased the DOS 86 software from an Seattle company.

The current-day, well-known OS Windows first came to its existence in the year 1985, when the GUI was developed and integrated with MS-DOS.

Types of Operating System (OS)

The following are the most popular kinds of OS (Operating System):

  • Batch Operating System

  • Multitasking/Time Sharing OS

  • Multiprocessing OS

  • Real Time OS

  • Distributed OS

  • Network OS

  • Mobile OS

Batch Operating System

Some computer processes are extremely demanding and take time. To speed up the process, tasks that has similar demands is batched up and executed as an entire group.

The user of the batch operating system is not directly connected to the computer. In this kind of OS each user creates his or her task on an offline device such as punch card, and then submits it to the computer's administrator.

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Multi-Tasking/Time-sharing Operating systems

A time-sharing operating system allows users situated in another terminal(shell) to work on the same computer system simultaneously. Processor time (CPU) that is shared between many users is referred to by the term "time sharing.

Real-time OS

A real-time operating system's time-frame for processing and responding to inputs is extremely short. Example: Military Software Systems, Space Software Systems are the Real time OS example.

Distributed Operating System

Distributed systems employ a variety of processors that are located in various machines to provide extremely efficient computation to their users.

Network Operating System

Network Operating System runs on the server. It is able to help manage user, data, groups, secure applications as well as other functions of networking.

Mobile OS

The mobile operating system is OS, which is designed to run on tablets, smartphones and wearable devices.

The most popular mobile operating systems include Android and iOS Other options include BlackBerry, Web, and watchOS.



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